How to Frame Title of your research Paper

Title of the research paper is the first vital information you provide to readers in context of your work. On the basis of subject description and variables mentioned, reader decides to go or not to go for full paper. This clearly indicates that your title should be simple as well as precise enough from reader point of view. It must be a jargon free, non-complex description of your work in about 10-15 words.

Frame your title after completion of your paper so that you can create an effective title that could define your work. In title development keywords also play important role. In search engine filters specific keywords are used to find out work that reader is looking for thus, it become obvious to add specific keywords in your title.

Always choose first word of your title strategically to represent method used or main focus of your work like

Assessment, Mediating effect, Invited Reaction, Interactive Effects and so on

Subtitles could also be used if necessary to show impact of a certain demographics or region. In research articles and editorials you can specify the main variables of the study first and then subtitles could be used to represent work done in the context of variable like

Organizational Climate: Descriptive Analysis & Future Implications for Human Resource Development

Now add all the above mentioned points and develop your title in best possible way

Key Takeaways


  • Subject matter of the paper
  • Simple description of work
  • Keywords used in the study
  • Specific word selection
  • Active noun
  • Subtitle, if necessary


  • Jargons, Acronyms etc.
  • Weak verbs
  • Complex descriptions
  • Word count more than 15 for title.

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