Writing an effective abstract is a must for your research work. Basically abstract is the summary of the work done by you. Almost all piece of research work demands an impressive abstract.

Different research work that demands for abstract are:

Ph.D. Dissertation abstract

Research Paper abstract

Extended abstract of the research work

Working Paper abstract

Research Grant Studies abstract etc.

All of the above mentioned abstracts have different way of writing. Here we are discussing general abstract for research papers.

An abstract should present purpose and problem of the study, research method used, tools applied for data analysis, results obtained, uniqueness and conclusion of the study. It also contains keywords of the study. To write all this factual information in only about 200-350 words is not an easy task. Abstract is like a trailer of the movie, People will go for full movie i.e. full paper reading only if trailer attracts them.

Many journals provides with different headings for abstract submission. Thus making your work a bit easy and focused. Publishers know that right information could bring readers to read your full work. Here abstract as well as keywords play important role.

You can develop an effective abstract with following points

  • First complete the paper then prepare for abstract.
  • Make out a list of what should abstract contain and what not.
  • Abstract should not contain proverbs, jargons etc.
  • Do not add any new information which is not there in the paper
  • Start with purpose of your study, follow with problem, research method, tools applied, output, implications and conclusion of the study.
  • To finally develop abstract put all the important information (mentioned above) in least possible words. Arrange them in the form of sentences.
  • Make a flow of paragraph by arranging sequence of sentences and wordings.
  • Proofread the abstract at least twice to avoid grammar mistakes.
  • Ask your supervisor, colleague or friend to go through it. He could let you know readers perspective.
  • Choose your keywords effectively.
  • Check journal requirements like word limit, number of keywords etc. Usually journals or conferences asks for an abstract from 250 to 350 words.

Hope all the above mentioned points will help you in developing an effective abstract of your research work!!

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